My core mission and passion is to empower and educate people to elevate themselves and their relationships. As a certified sex and relationship coach with a Masters in Education, I combine my gifts as a teacher and an intuitive healer, with my passion for raising the bar for our relationships. 

I work with a deep therapeutic understanding, which emphasizes compassion and holds space for your unique background, identity and stories.

At this time my ongoing 1:1 roster is full but I do offer two alternative ways of working 1:1 with me; Single sessions and Immersion Intensives.

Keep reading to find out more information about these two containers!

My core mission and passion is to empower and educate people to elevate themselves and their relationships. As a certified sex and relationship coach with a Masters in Education, I combine my gifts as a teacher and an intuitive healer, with my passion for raising the bar for our relationships. 

I work with a deep therapeutic understanding, which emphasizes compassion and holds space for your unique background, identity and stories.

At this time my ongoing 1:1 roster is full but I do offer three alternative ways of working 1:1 with me; Single sessions, Immersion Intensives and Private plant medicine facilitation.

Keep reading to find out more information about these three containers!



This 90 minute offer is perfect if you’re looking to take a clarifying, illuminating, powerful deep dive into a specific challenge, question, or topic that you think might be supported in a single session. Because we have that single hour and a half together, we dive straight in and truly make the most out of the time. 

We get really deep, really fast, and I offer intuitive practical insight and direction. This is about putting you on the clearest most effective path, highlighting what you need to see and giving you concrete takeaways.




This 90 minute single session offer is perfect if you’re looking to take a clarifying, illuminating, powerful deep dive into a specific challenge, question, or topic that you think might be supported in a single session. Because we have that one hour and a half together, we dive straight in and truly make the most out of the time. 

We get really deep, really fast, and I offer intuitive practical insight and direction. This is about putting you on the clearest most effective path, highlighting what you need to see and giving you concrete takeaways.




Single sessions are perfect in themselves, pre and alongside other forms of therapy, or however you want to utilize them. 

Of all of my offerings they are the most potent in the shortest amount of time. 

The exchange: $555

90 minute session

Offered on a first book, first receive basis to my private waitlist.

I cannot wait to meet and support you!

Join My Waitlist!



Plant Medicine


If you are looking to be held by me in a private 1:1, couples, or intimate group ceremony, I'd be honored to chat with you more! 

I hold a powerful container for your full expression combining my years of experience with sacred medicine, projector guidance, spiritual channeling, potent facilitation and  somatic holding. 

Throughout the ceremony, depending on what your body, heart and soul are asking us for, I might sit back and hold the energetic field, I might utilize somatic tools to held you land inside your own body, I might channel insight and guidance for you from the divine, and/or I might coach you into your own inner knowing or from my wisdom for you. 

When it comes to plant medicine, setting, intention, and facilitator are the three most sacred, reverent and important factors to the experience and outcome of a safe, illuminating and profound journey.

We will discuss all of that and more in a free 30 minute clarity call to see if we are an aligned match for medicine, answer any of your questions, and set a date for your date with the divinity in medicine and yourself. 

Please email [email protected] and my team- Danielle or myself will help you set up that call! 





Immersion is a transformative solution-focused coaching intensive. We spend 2 or 3 full days together working holistically and comprehensively on your pre-discussed goals. Because of the amount of time together, the momentum we build keeps growing and we get to profoundly deep places together. 

Upon completion of an intensive you will have clarity, resolutions, solutions, and a clear path forward to creating what you desire.




  • Are fed up with trying and trying and still feeling stuck.
  • Tend to avoid getting deep in one hour sessions.
  • Are willing to see yourself and your life in radically honest ways.
  • Feel like you’re ready for clarity, solutions and next steps.
  • Feel anxious about running out of time in weekly sessions.
  • Love the sound of two or three days solely focused on you.
  • Are willing to take action and make aligned decisions.



The topics we explore together can include attachment styles, Imago exploration, erotic blueprints, sexual healing/discovery/expansion, inner child work, career coaching, somatic practices, codependency recovery, boundaries, relationship solutions, communication frameworks, pattern discovery and replacements, goal creation, mind body soul connections, spiritual growth, religious trauma, intergenerational healing, and so much more. 


*Plant medicine journey available on one of the days. Based on qualifying factors to be discussed.* 



-Immersion is perfect for people already in the therapy/coaching world who are looking for powerful transformative breakthroughs.

-It can be done as a couple or an individual.

-We spend 5.5 hours together per day.

-Immersions can be done virtually although my deepest recommendation would be to experience them in person. ( My last client did her session on the beach, sooo there's that option!)

-Only one Immersion is available per month.

-Prices start at $4,444 for two days and $5,555 for 3 days and increase based on customizations of your choosing. 


If Immersion feels right for you and you feel a calling in your mind, body, heart and soul to talk about setting one up for yourself please reach out; I would be honored to support you. You can email us at [email protected] or through clicking below.



-Immersion is perfect for people already in the therapy/coaching world who are looking for powerful transformative breakthroughs.

-It can be done as a couple or an individual.

-We spend 5.5 hours together per day.

-Immersions can be done virtually although my deepest recommendation would be to experience them in person. ( My last client did her session on the beach, sooo there's that option!)

-Only one Immersion is available per month.

-Prices start at $3,333 for two days and increase based on customizations of your choosing. 


If Immersion feels right for you and you feel a calling in your mind, body, heart and soul to talk about setting one up for yourself please reach out; I would be honored to support you. You can email us at [email protected] or through clicking below.


Let's Connect!


I gained exactly what I came to gain from this Immersion experience. I gained understanding of my current situation. I gained a perspective about myself that I hadn't recognized before. I gained insight into the dynamics of my relationship with others. I gained the validation that I didn't even know I needed. I gained greater awareness regarding matters that I thought I had already processed and moved past. I gained deeper appreciation for myself and my gifts for the world. I gained confirmation that I could trust myself in seeking out the right guidance. I gained a protective hug of warmth around my heart that I know I will need moving forward. Ultimately, I gained the courage I needed to make the uncomfortable decisions I needed to make.

Because I knew what I wanted, what I needed, and you were so open to co-creating the experience that I was looking for, on my terms, I genuinely felt that I was walking into a custom container where I could really be the vulnerable me. 

I arrived in LA feeling confused, alone, lost, and unsure about the decisions I needed to make. I left LA with total clarity and feeling confident, excited, hopeful, and alive!

I left LA feeling like I was back on track, like my inner GPS had just kicked in after months of thinking the battery had died, and knowing that there is actually an awesome path out there for me - even if it's going to be one that I forge for myself.

Prior to my Immersion experience with Alaya, I had never done anything like this before. I didn't know what to expect or if I would really walk away with what I was coming for. As a general rule, I try not to set expectations as life rarely plays out the way I imagine it in my head... but I'd be lying if I said I didn't secretly have those expectations defined. In this case though, Alaya surpassed all my expectations.